Atma Nirbhar Madhya Pradesh
The dream of self-reliant India will be realized only when the states become self-reliant. With
a strong commitment of the Honourable Chief Minister and capacity of the people of the State,
AtmaN_MP@23 is a roadmap towards achieving the same.
Madhya Pradesh is the second largest state of the country in terms of area and the fifth in
terms of population. The state’s vast youth population, its huge labour force, rich culture, tradi-
tional products and the skills of its artisans, abundant water resources, and extensive road networks
are its assets. However, grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, the state needs to reappraise its
structures and systems and come up with a more effective, inclusive, simpler, and more accessible
model to achieve self-reliance and resilience in the wake of the pandemic.
In realizing the goal of Atma Nirbhar MP through this roadmap for action for the next three
years, 4 central pillars have been identified by the Honourable Chief Minister which are: Physical
Infrastructure, Governance, Health and Education, and Economy and Employment.